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candle and candle making supplies at The Makery at Roots School & Makery

Makery Policies

Roots School & Makery, Inc. (“The Makery”, “we”, “us”, “our”) regards your safety and the safety of others as a top priority. We take great care to reduce the traditional risks associated with learning basic cooking, baking, sewing and crafting skills; however, regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries, some risks are inherent to the activity and cannot be totally eliminated. For that reason, The Makery requires that our students and/or parents (“you”, “yourself”, “your”) carefully review and accept the terms and conditions of the following Policies prior to participating in any of The Makery workshops. By enrolling yourself or your minor child in workshops at The Makery, you are agreeing to our Policies, which may be updated at any time. As either a participant or the parent of a minor child participant in our workshops, you also agree to review the most recent version of The Makery Policies when registering for our workshops.  



Registration for adult workshops at The Makery is completed when required information and payment is submitted through the booking page on The Makery website. 


Registration for workshops for minors at The Makery is a two-step process. 

  • Step 1: You will submit payment in full through the booking page on The Makery webpage. After entering your payment information, you will receive an email that will ask you to complete the Registration & Medical Release. 

  • Step 2: Complete and submit the Registration & Medical Release. This form only needs to be completed once per participant for the 22/23 year.


Please notify The Makery if you do not receive your registration email. Your minor child’s registration for the workshop is not confirmed until you receive confirmation from The Makery of our receipt and acceptance of your completed Registration & Medical Release. 



  • If The Makery cancels a workshop due to low enrollment or other extenuating circumstances, participants will receive a credit to a future workshop or a refund.

  • All participant requests to withdraw from a workshop or transfer their registration to another workshop or another participant must be made in writing submitted to The Makery prior to the workshop start date. The Makery does not offer refunds for withdrawals or transfers, however, we will happily issue a full credit towards another workshop to be used at a future date if the withdrawal or transfer request takes place not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the workshop start date. If the withdrawal or transfer request is received within fourteen (14) days before the workshop start date, a 50% credit will be issued to be used at a future date. Transfers are dependent on availability. There are no refunds or make-ups for missed workshops.



  • Workshops at The Makery may involve baking, cooking, sewing, crafting and other activities and the use of tools necessary to participate in the workshops. Participation in these activities may require the use of tools and equipment including, but not limited to, stoves, ovens, scissors, knives, hot glue, sharp tools and objects, small tools and objects, and pins and needles.

  • Risks: You acknowledge and agree to the following: (i) workshops may involve risks of injury and illness (the “risks”), including but not limited to cuts, falls, burns, allergic reactions, and other risks associated with preparing and consuming food, sewing or crafting; (ii) the risks may be increased as a result to the fact that the workshops are being offered in a group setting; and (iii) there may be risks that are not known or reasonably foreseeable at this time. You acknowledge and agree to assume all risks and associated damages or losses which you and/or your minor child may sustain by participating in our workshops.

  • Allergies: You acknowledge and agree that you are obligated to disclose whether you have and/or your minor child has any known food or other allergies prior to participating in any Makery workshop.

  • Ability to Participate: You acknowledge and agree that The Makery, its affiliates, owners, employees, and contractors assume no duty to you or your minor child regarding the medical ability to participate in any workshop.

  • Equipment Usage: You agree that you will not and that you will instruct your minor child not to utilize any equipment or tools at The Makery unless and until proper use of the equipment or tools has been explained and is understood. You understand that equipment and tools must be used strictly in accordance with instructions.

  • Release of Liability: You, for yourself, your minor child’s other legal guardians, your minor child, and on behalf of any of your and their heirs, executors and administrators, as applicable, forever release and discharge The Makery, its affiliates and any of their employees, contractors, past, present, and future directors, principals, owners, agents, and officers (collectively, the “Released Parties”), of and from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, damages, costs (including reasonable legal fees and costs), actions and causes of action of any kind or nature whatsoever (collectively, “Claims”) related to or arising from, whether directly or indirectly, activities at The Makery or otherwise undertaken in connection with our workshops (collectively, “Losses”). For greater certainty, Losses include, but are not limited to: (a) personal injuries or illness (including death), damages, or losses to you and/or your minor child; and (b) property damage (i) arising out of or relating to participation, whether passively or actively, in any workshop(s) or other activities at The Makery, including but not limited to use of any equipment and/or tools; or (ii) occurring at The Makery, including but not limited to your and/or your minor child’s use of any restroom area, common area, associated sidewalks, and parking areas. You agree not to bring any Claims against the Released Parties, whether personally or through any third party. The release contained in this “Release of Liability” section will be construed to apply to the greatest extent permitted by law and, if permitted by law, will apply even if any Losses are caused in whole or in part by the Released Parties’ own negligence or the negligence or willful conduct of any other patron who is on The Makery premises or who is participating in any of The Makery workshops. You, for yourself, your minor child’s other legal guardians, your minor child, and on behalf of your and their heirs, executors, and administrators, agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties against all Claims, each of every kind and nature whatsoever, which may in any way arise out of or result from your and/or minor child’s acts or omissions at The Makery or on The Makery premises. The indemnity contained in this paragraph will apply even if any Losses are caused, in part, by the Released Parties’ own negligence.



  • Behavior: Fostering a safe learning environment for students is our number one priority. Therefore, The Makery reserves the right to remove a participant from a workshop for inappropriate or unsafe behavior. Due to the nature of working with equipment and tools, The Makery cannot and will not tolerate behavior deemed dangerous or harmful. No refunds or make-up workshops will be given to any participant who is removed from class due to inappropriate or unsafe behavior; however, subject to The Makery’s discretion, the participant may be allowed to register for a future workshop provided such participant has corrected the behavior and will not be a disruption to their fellow participants or instructor.

  • Illness: The Makery reserves the right to temporarily deny any participant admittance to a workshop for reasons of obvious illness, or to request early departure should symptoms become apparent during the course of a workshop. Any participant who seems unable to take part in the workshop for any reason will be sent home. This is to ensure the continued good health of everyone at The Makery. For the health and well-being of the participants in our care and our staff we feel it is vital to maintain a strict wellness policy. We ask for parents to assist by keeping sick students at home. It is up to our discretion when a student may return to The Makery. Make up classes may be offered to any participant who misses a workshop due to illness only and if we are notified BEFORE the workshop starts, and only when space in a make-up workshop is available.


Please be advised:  Classes in the Makery may be taught by instructors that are not certified by OCC and are contracted by Roots School & Makery.

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